This cinema is in the basement of a Georgian town house in the centre of Bath.

We were tasked with the job of converting the neglected space into a room to enjoy television, sport and movies for a father and son.
The client was overjoyed with the results as all expectations were superseded. As it was not a ‘cost no object’ project we had to think carefully about how to balance the look, feel, acoustics and electronic performance of the room.
We had to create a room with enough of a draw to encourage the client into the basement. It had to be inviting and luxurious, whilst still being exhilarating and engaging. We did this with clever use of acoustic design – deep bass trapping in the front wall and ceiling. We had to build the front wall out no matter what, as it was uneven, so we brought this as far forward as possible and filled the void with acoustic treatment, speakers and subwoofers. Similarly, the ceiling had a large intrusive beam running front to back, so we dropped the ceiling height to below the beam and used the space for more acoustic absorption and hidden surround speakers. We also took the opportunity to build lighting details into the front wall and ceiling. Again due to the budget requirements we had to think cleverly about how to get layers of light in to the lighting design. To do this, we used long pendant lights at the rear, the new front wall and an existing alcove with shelves. This meant we did not have to chase and redecorate the wall. Instead, we utilised the newly created ceiling and wall voids for cabling.
The resulting performance was astonishing and the client uses the cinema room more than the formal Georgian living room.