We were tasked with improving the acoustics of this beautiful Victorian living/listening room.

Initially this client journey began as an enquiry asking about Hi-Fi upgrades, acoustics and possible media room. It quickly became apparent, after listening to the existing Hi-Fi that the acoustics were by far the biggest issue. Immediately we noticed that the system lacked warmth and bass and this was confirmed after modelling the room in our acoustics software. The dimensions and materials of the room were such that there were huge cancellations in the bass response of the room and something very significant needed to be done to correct this. Fortunately, the current listening position was in the best orientation so this did not need changing, but in order to improve the bass response a large amount of deep absorbent acoustic treatment needed incorporating in to the room and so the brief was born.
We designed a huge wall of absorption (50cm deep) hidden in to the design of the room behind our ingenious stretch fabric system. We blended this false wall in by incorporating architectural features common to the rest of the house and room, as well as wall lights and art work. Additionally we built large 15cm deep absorbers for the front wall in the same fabric system, blended in to the aesthetic of the room with a floating design incorporating art and lighting once more. Finally a large unused space above the vinyl storage was utilised for one last bass trap, helping to maximise the impact of the treatment and minimise the impact on the aesthetic of the room.
The results were so astonishing, both aurally and visually that this previously unloved room became the primary living room for the family. The new fabric finishes and relaxing acoustic feel added comfort and atmosphere to the space. Furthermore as a secondary phase (due to the success of the first phase), additional shallow acoustic treatment shrouded in white fabric was added to the ceiling along with a projector and hidden projector screen to bring family movies in to the room.

Finally the client then upgraded the Hi-Fi equipment in the room, purchasing some remarkable pieces from us. The results are one of the finest systems we have ever encountered. Klipsch Jubilee Speakers, McIntosh MC451 hybrid mono amplifiers, McIntosh C2700 pre amplifier, Innuos Zenith Mk3 streamer/server and more.
This astonishing statement Hi-Fi produces scale, dynamics, detail and presence like no other system we have heard.